Nxtra by Airtel releases its maiden Corporate Sustainability Report

29 October 2023 : Nxtra Data Limited (“Nxtra by Airtel”), unveiled its inaugural sustainability report for financial year 2023, “Responsible by Choice, Sustainable by Design”. The sustainability report highlights the company’s performance on environmental, social and governance (ESG) parameters, targets and commitments as well as the progress it has made thus far. 

Ashish Arora, CEO – Nxtra by Airtel, said, “At Nxtra, our commitment to be sustainable is at heart of our operations. We have also designed our workplace to be inclusive and safe, and have imbibed  transparent governance standards and environmental conscientiousness that is endorsed by every employee. I am delighted to launch this report today coinciding with World Sustainability Day  and highlight our dedication to lead India’s data center industry to stride ahead with an unwavering commitment to prioritize sustainability above all else”.

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