HCG EKO Cancer Centre Kolkata successfully operates on a 45-year-old women, suffering from a 20 cm enlarged abdominal tumour

Kolkata 29 October 2023: HCG EKO Cancer Centre Kolkata,  recently performed a successful tumor removal surgery on a 45-year-old woman suffering from enlarged abdominal tumour. The surgery was successfully performed by the expert team of oncologists led by Dr. S. K. Bala. 

Ms. Nabanita Ghosh, a 45-year-old woman from Kolkata, was diagnosed with a large abdominal tumour in 2021. Initially, she underwent two surgeries and numerous tests at a private hospital, but her condition worsened as the tumor intertwined with vital blood vessels, posing severe risks, including amputation and fatality. She seeked second opinions about her condition from multiple cancer specialists in Mumbai, but everything was in vain, without providing her any right conclusions. She was later referred to Dr.Jaydip Biswas. He offered her hope, recommending to undergo surgery after analysing her PET CT scan which revealed that the tumor had grown to an alarming size of 20 cm. Post examining the tumor size and observing the critical condition of the patient’s health, Dr. Jaydeep Biswas recommended the patient to consult Dr. S.K. Bala. Post consultation, Dr.S. K. Bala, Surgical Oncologist, HCG EKO Cancer Centre Kolkata and team collaborated on an exhaustive eight-hour procedure that transformed Ms. Ghosh's health, offering her a fresh start in life.

Enlarged abdominal tumors, especially in women, presents a significant medical challenge due to their association with gynaecological issues.

Dr. S. K. Bala,Surgical Oncologist, HCG EKO Cancer Centre Kolkata, shared his thoughts on the case "Performing extensive abdominal tumor removal surgery is an intricate task, particularly when it involves life-threatening risks. The meticulously evaluated situation and the timely PET CT scan were pivotal in assessing its severity. We successfully performed the surgery with the support of our advanced diagnostic technology. We are delighted to report the successful removal of the tumor from Nabanita's abdomen, and she is now on the path to recovery."

Ms. Nabanita Ghosh, expressed her heartfelt gratitude, saying, "I am profoundly thankful to HCG EKO Cancer Centre in Kolkata for conducting my third surgery to remove the enlarged abdominal tumour. The medical team's exceptional care and unwavering support provided solace during this challenging period. I wholeheartedly appreciate their efforts, as they have rekindled my faith in the medical system and given me the chance to start a new life."

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