French lady adds international fervour to Durga Puja as brand ambassador

Kolkata, 13th October 2023: "The Greatest Show on Earth" (GSOE) proudly introduced its new logo, featuring French Lady Alice Bonnafey as the Durga Puja Brand Ambassador on Thursday, 12th October 2023 at Bose Niloy. The grand unveiling took place in the presence of distinguished figures such as renowned actress Ishaa Saha, actor Shantilal Mukherjee and GSOE founder Bodhisattwa Banerjee. This milestone initiative is geared toward elevating the global recognition of Durga Puja and inviting foreign "culture explorers" to Kolkata. It offers them the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in one of the world's largest celebrations of art and culture, while emphasising the festival's prestigious UNESCO heritage status.
Durga Puja is celebrated for its remarkable artistry, intricate sculptures, and craftsmanship, serving as an embodiment of West Bengal's cultural richness. GSOE's mission is to provide overseas visitors with culturally enriching and hassle-free travel experiences. This year, GSOE is bringing visitors from Germany, England and France to Kolkata, showcasing the city's Durga Puja festivities. In addition to their flagship premium tourism venture, GSOE is proud to introduce the GSOE Durga Puja Awards 2023, with a substantial prize pool of ₹12 Lakh. These awards recognise the unwavering dedication of Kolkata's Durga Puja Committees in presenting the UNESCO-recognized heritage festival from various angles, themes and ambiances. Only Puja committees with a total budget allocation of up to ₹50 lakh have been shortlisted for these awards. This underscores GSOE's commitment to acknowledging the relentless efforts of artisans, sculptors, and painters who contribute tirelessly to make Durga Puja celebrations internationally renowned.

Bodhisattwa Banerjee, Founder, GSOE, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "We are thrilled to witness the enthusiastic response from Puja Committees and our global visitors. Through these awards, GSOE not only endeavours to put Durga Puja on the national and global map but also to acknowledge the hard work of artisans and contribute to their well-being.

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