Uber’s Driver Advisory Council expands to 9 cities

15th September 2023: India’s first Driver Advisory Council (DAC), formed as a pioneering effort to provide gig workers a platform to discuss important issues and improve their platform experience, has expanded to 9 cities. The council is a flagship initiative led by Aapti Institute, a Bengaluru-based think tank, that serves as a third-party Independent Review Board (IRB), in collaboration with Uber. It represents the interests of tens of thousands of driver partners across cars, auto-rickshaws, and motorbikes, and facilitates a better two-way dialogue between them and the platform. The new Council will have representation from 3 new cities - Jaipur, Guwahati and Kochi, in addition to the existing 6 including Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi-NCR, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai. The number of DAC Council members this year will be 45.

At an event held in Central Delhi, DAC members interacted with Uber’s global visiting executive, Andrew Byrne, Vice President and Global Head of Public Policy at Uber, and shared details on their experience. Dr  Sarayu Natarajan, Founder, Aapti Institute, facilitated a discussion ‘Shaping Platform - Worker Dialogue in the Gig Economy’, with Dr Dhanya MB, Fellow;  V V Giri National Labour Institute; Marico Ouchi, Senior Technical Specialist on Social Protection, International Labour Organization; Mike Orgill, Senior Director, Public Policy & Government Relations, Uber for the APAC region; and, Aishwarya Raman, Executive Director, OMI Foundation. 

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