"Everything We Never Said" By Varalikka Manaksia

22 August 2023: Varalikka Manaksia, a sixteen-year-old student at La Martiniere for Girls. On Saturdays when no one is home, curling up under a blanket to read a book or watch her favorite show on TV while sipping hot coffee and pizza, most of the poems in this book are the creation of those lonely moments when she is alone with herself.
 Writing is one of her loves. At one point she battled constantly with her mental health. In the end, she was able to win this battle by holding her pen to write down her feelings. Expressing her thoughts through writing, she hopes her writing will make a difference in someone else's life as it has in her own.

While writing this book in 2022, Varalikka Manaksia felt that this writing not only gives her peace of mind, but also gives joy to those who read her writings. The poems in this book are not only a picture of a time for her, but much more than that. These are her experiences and expressions. She thinks that her inner soul is actually the words of these poems. These poems are born from her thoughts, love and vision towards life. The poems accompany the journey of her mind.
She got the inspiration to write this book from some of her friends and family members, who have gone through many ups and downs in life and finally triumphed. Through this book, she wanted to tell everyone that ups and downs are just part of the journey of life - never give up. She hopes that her poems will show everyone the light of encouragement while walking on the path of life.

 According to Varalikka, her most moving poem is "The Declaration of Hate". In her words “I wrote this for the first time in December 2022 when I was in a very bad state of mind. I wrote this poem for my mother. In fact, I wanted to convey my mother all those things which made me who I am today. I hoped that if she comes to know them, she would understand me better. I remember how she cried when I read this poem to her. Some may mistake this poem as a poem of hatred, but it is basically a poem of anguish, pain and love that a daughter cries out for”.
Another poem in this book that is very close to the author's heart is, "To the Day of Light That Awake Me...". She says, “The inspiration for this poem is my old house. I spent all my childhood there and now left it. This poem is about the memories of the last days I spent there and all those moments that filled my childhood. A house may be of just four walls but to me only that was my home. I will consider that place as my only home forever”.
Each poem in this book is not only a witness to her becoming a human being, but holds a special place in her heart. They will be with her for the rest of her life.

At the age of ten, Varalikka once went to the camp and wrote a book of 120 pages. Her dream was to publish that in a form of book and to be known as a writer. Today her dream has come true, which is one of the proudest moments of her life.

Eminent singer Miss Jojo, actor Rahul Arunodoy Banerjee and renowned art director and producer Nitish Roy were present at Varalikka's book launch titled “Everything We Never Said”.

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