RPG Group Unveils First-of-its-Kind Study in India on Gen Z's Happiness at Workplace

19 July 2023  : RPG Group unveiled its groundbreaking research report that delves into the significance of happiness for Gen Z, the future workforce. This first extensive research, done in association with Yuvaa Insights Studio, spanned 13 Indian cities and was commissioned with the aim of understanding what happiness truly means to Gen Z and how corporates can revolutionize their approach to offer efficient working environments.
Cracking the Gen Z Happiness Code, GenZ@work, this research paper represents a transformative endeavour to shed light on the unique challenges and aspirations faced by the youngest members of the workforce. The team behind this endeavour conducted in-depth interviews with individuals between the ages of 18 and 25, delving into a wide range of subjects including value systems, goals, lifestyles, and career preferences. By synthesizing these insights, the research paper establishes a comprehensive framework of 150 criteria that define happiness for the Gen Z 
Earlier in the week and as a lead-up to the research unveil, RPG launched a one-of-a-kind film about red flags in interviews. Targeted at Gen Z, it is a satirical take on interviews and what to say “no” to, in toxic interviews. RPG’s loud and clear message to the future workforce in the film is “Ask for more!”  

Harsh Goenka, Chairman, of RPG Group shared, "This study serves as a guide for leaders, HR professionals, and individuals to respond proactively to Gen Z's dynamic expectations and desires. This is an opportunity to redesign workplaces that inspire, invigorate, and extract the optimum from our emerging talent. Equipped with a rich repository of insights and discoveries, we are sharing this knowledge so that it helps not just to cultivate a happier and more engaged workforce, but to unlock their latent potential and harness their innovative prowess. This is our bit to engage our young folks better so that they can contribute more to the success of our nation."

The unveiling of the in-depth research report was spearheaded by none other than RPG Group Chairman, Mr. Harsh Goenka, at the momentous event hosted at RPG House on 14th July - aptly named "Cracking the Gen Z Happiness Code". Serving as a powerful catalyst for change, this research paper calls upon leaders, HR professionals, and individuals alike to embrace the evolving expectations and desires of Gen Z and to create workplaces that not only inspire and motivate but also unleash the boundless potential of the young talent within our midst.

 S ‘Venky’ Venkatesh, President, Group HR, RPG Group said, “Understanding and nurturing the happiness of GenZ at the workplace is not just a choice; it is an imperative for any organization committed to continuous success. I firmly believe that by channeling our resources into research on GenZ’s happiness pulse, we are investing in the very essence of our company's culture and creating an inclusive, engaging, and purpose-driven workplace.”

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