Launch of pioneering Hereditary Cancer Clinic at Kokilaben Hospital to redefine Personalized Cancer Care in India


2 May 2023 : Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, proudly announced today the launch of its dedicated Hereditary Cancer Clinic at the International Symposium on Precision Oncology and Personalized Medicine organised by Kokilaben Hospital. This ground-breaking clinic further cements Kokilaben Hospital's commitment to providing personalized cancer care to patients across India, marking a significant milestone in its journey to ensure access to state-of-the-art precision oncology care for every patient. It follows the pioneering efforts of Kokilaben Hospital in introducing personalized targeted cancer treatment, harnessing the power of precision medicine to deliver innovative therapies that effectively address individual patient needs.


With an estimated 1.4 million new cases of cancer diagnosed annually in India and a high incidence of the disease, precision oncology has the potential to significantly reduce the burden of cancer by improving the effectiveness of cancer treatment. An important aspect of precision oncology, hereditary testing enables identifying gene mutations in an individual and his family, giving insight into the likelihood of developing cancer even before symptoms show up. It is extremely helpful in developing treatment strategies for cancer.


The symposium, which brought together leading oncologists, researchers, and medical professionals from around the world had panel discussions with enlightening insights on recent advancements and innovative treatment strategies in cancer care and the future of precision oncology.


Precision oncology is an innovative approach to the treatment of cancer that profiles tumors at the molecular level and identifies alterations so that personalized treatment can be specifically designed and targeted to an individual patient’s unique form of cancer. Precision medicine ensures that the right cancer treatment is delivered to the right patient at the right dose and at the right time. Precision oncology with personalized cancer treatment involves leveraging cutting-edge technology and in-depth genetic insights to tailor treatment plans to each patient's unique genetic makeup and cancer characteristics. Kokilaben Hospital has been at the forefront of this approach, providing comprehensive care that encompasses every aspect of the patient's cancer journey. The Hereditary Cancer Clinic is an integral part of this process, offering extensive genetic counselling and testing services to identify and manage genetic risk factors associated with various cancers.


The symposium also included a felicitation ceremony with Ms Tina Anil Ambani, Chairperson of Kokilaben Hospital honoring eminent doctors and achievers in the field of oncology from across India and the world. Mrs Tina Anil Ambani said, "Cancer care is an overarching priority for Kokilaben Hospital, which has always been ahead of the curve in terms of technology and talent. We recognise that precision oncology and personalised medicine is the new frontier in cancer care and are delighted to host this symposium, which provides a wealth of information, a platform for deliberation, an opportunity for interaction and a forum to felicitate excellence. On this occasion, I am also delighted to announce that we are continuing to focus on precision oncology and personalised medicine, by launching a hereditary cancer clinic, which will help predict familial risk for cancer and take measures to control the same. This is one more significant step in our mission to 'Contain, Combat and Conquer Cancer'."


Dr Santosh Shetty, CEO and Executive Director, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital said, “Kokilaben Hospital has remained ahead of the curve and in line with the best global practices in cancer care. Our dedication to advancing personalized cancer care is evident in our commitment to investing in cutting-edge technology and research. The Hereditary Cancer Clinic demonstrates our relentless pursuit of excellence in Precision Oncology. With a multidisciplinary team of skilled experts, cutting-edge facilities, and the latest technologies, the addition of the new clinic is a testament to the largest commitment by any single institute in cancer, and is expected to make a significant difference in cancer outcomes.”


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